Name Japan Stainless Steel Association (JSSA)
Address 4F Tekko Kaikan, 2-10, Nihonbashi-kayabacho 3-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Phone (+81/3)-3669-5691
Fax (+81/3)-3669-5690
Established August 27, 1959
Objectives To develop demand for stainless steel products, to improve relevant technologies and enhance investigations/surveys and studies in cooperation with stainless steel-related companies and associations, to work toward a sound development of the stainless steel industry from an international perspective and contribute to the prosperity of Japanese businesses, economy, society and people's lives.
Chairman Akihiko Inoue
Representative Director and President
Nippon Steel Stainless Steel Corporatio.
Vice Chairman Fumio Shimada
Vice Presiclent
JFE Steel Corporation.
Vice Chairman Masao Aoyama
Chairman of All Japan Stainless Steel Distributors Association
Regular members 24 companies
Special members 31 companies
Associate members 15 companies
Association members 2 associations
Grand total: 70 companies and 2 associations
General Assembly
Board of Directors
General Administration Committee
Market Development Committee
Fair Trade Committee
Public Relations Committee
Demand Investigation & Statistics Committee
Environment Committee
Standardization Committee
Corrosion Committee
Welding Committee
Long Products Committee
ISO/TC156 Committee
Piping Systems Promotion Committee
Standard Approval Committee