Award winner
Abel Black (Electrolytically colored stainless steel)
 Applicant: ABEL Co., Ltd..
Reason for selection:
Stainless steel loses its beautiful metallic texture when painted or plated. The applicant’s coloring method-Abel Black- has an advantage of making stainless steel look vivid or warm through coloring the surface while leaving the beaty of metallic texture intact. As black oxidized film of no more than 1㎛thick is employed for coloring, it does not affect the feel of the metal, presents a massive impression and expands leeway for designing.
Abel Black stainless steel materials are suitable for interior and exterior panels of stores where a luxurious atmosphere is important, and parts/components of automotive or residential interiors where good designs are appreciated.t
Stainless steel types used: SUS304

Consumption: 700 kg/piece

Presenter: Hanwa Kozai Co., Ltd.